Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Applying PicoContainer.NET with Presentation Patterns - Part II

(Part I)

Let's think about what Pico is good at in practical sense. I think Pico is great at wiring dependencies together. That means, it is good at wiring dependencies starting from your Presentation Model/Presenter layer and back, because these are all classes that you have complete control over. For your Views, at least if you develop in Visual Studio .NET, the restriction on their default constructors conflicts with the way Pico works. There are ways around it (setter injection as said in Part I), but they are ugly.

But what if I don't register my Views into my Pico container like other classes? Then the question becomes: how can my View get a reference to its dependent Presentation Model/Presenter?

Before I show you my solution, I have to say one more thing. The method InitializeComponent() synonymously refer controls as components for a reason. Every control in .NET is a component. What is a component? It is something you put in a container. Every container has many components. So yes, I am telling you that these controls/widgets are all being put in a container (not Pico) in the .NET control hierarchy framework. So what does each control being a component in this .NET container hierarchy enable me to do? It allows you to have access to the functionalities from other components in the same container. Let me rephrase: each View, being a component, can have access to other classes like a Presentation Model/Presenter, so long as they are all in the same .NET container hierarchy framework. Didn't I just say that this container framework is not Pico? Yes, I did, but it doesn't mean we have to use only one over the other. We can use them both together to each of their strengths to achieve the best of both worlds. Let me explain.

We have already said using Pico container to host everything starting from the Presentation Model layer is a good thing. So here is some example code on how to do this:

        private static IMutablePicoContainer createMutablePicoContainer()


            IMutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer();

            pico.RegisterComponentImplementation(typeof(IPageOnePM), typeof(PageOnePM));

            pico.RegisterComponentImplementation(typeof(IPageTwoPM), typeof(PageTwoPM));

            pico.RegisterComponentImplementation(typeof(IWebService), typeof(WebService));

            return pico;


In order to allow the Views to have access to other components (Presentation Model/Presenter), we have to create a .NET container. It is just a class that subclass from System.ComponentModel.Container. I am going to call this an ApplicationContainer to avoid being confused with our Pico container.

        internal class ApplicationContainer : System.ComponentModel.Container


            // ...


To put our Views into this ApplicationContainer, you instantiate an instance of it, and put the Form object that you will start your application with into it like this:


        static void Main()


            ApplicationContainer applicationContainer = new ApplicationContainer();


            MainForm form = new MainForm();





From our Views, the method that they will use to get access to other components is called GetService(Type serviceType). When this method is called from within our Views, if our Views are put in a System.ComponentModel.Container, by default the method will ask for its containing container to traverse all registered components and see who can provide this "service" to it. If it finds such component, the container will return it, and now the requesting component gets a reference to that object. How does the container traverse its registered components and decide to give the component requesting a service the service that it asks for? Well, interestingly a System.ComponentModel.Container also has its own GetService() method to do just that. Now, since we have our own subclass ApplicationContainer, what if we override its GetService(), and while our ApplicationContainer object receives a request for service from any of its components, we can instruct it also look to see if Pico has the stuff that the requesting component has. More concretely, when a View uses GetService(typeof(MyPresentationModel) to get its Presentation Model/Presenter dependency, ApplicationContainer will ask for a Pico container that has already been fully registered to return an instance of that class if it is found, like such:

        internal class ApplicationContainer : System.ComponentModel.Container


            private IMutablePicoContainer _pico = createMutablePicoContainer();


            protected override object GetService(Type service)


                object instance = _pico.GetComponentInstanceOfType(service);


                if (instance != null)


                    return instance;



                return base.GetService (service);



To sum it all up, you need to do the following to get things to work:
1. Create an ApplicationContainer class subclassing System.ComponentModel.Container.
2. Add your starting Form into the ApplicationContainer instance, prior to starting it.
3. Set up a Pico container within the ApplicationContainer instance.
4. Register all dependencies that your Presentation Model/Presenter classes will need in your Pico container. You do not need to register your Views.
5. Override the ApplicationContainer's GetService() method, make it to look further into its already setup Pico container for anything that it should return.

Now from your Views, you can gain access to its dependency, in this case a Presentation Model/Presenter, by calling:

        private void PageOneView_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


            // Add this View to ApplicationContainer. Otherwise we have to instantiate

            // each and every view in public static void Main() and do the adding there.



            // This GetService() call will now find what we need in ApplicationContainer.

            IPageOnePM service = (IPageOnePM)base.GetService(typeof(IPageOnePM));


And modify your PresentationModel's constructor to include an additional parameter to take in the web service class. Then your class can start using the web service functionality, while in unit testing you can mock/stub it out!

    public interface IWebService




    public class WebService : IWebService




    public class PageOnePM : PresentationModel, IPageOnePM


        private IWebService webservice;


        public PageOnePM(IWebService webservice)


            this.webservice = webservice;




    // ApplicationContainer class

    private static IMutablePicoContainer createMutablePicoContainer()


        IMutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer();

        // ...

        pico.RegisterComponentImplementation(typeof(IWebService), typeof(WebService));

        // ...

        return pico;


So now, we have eliminated the child user control not knowing how to get a Presentation Model/Presenter problem, because a user control is also, well, a component in the same ApplicationContainer. We have also solved the ugly setter injecting child user controls' dependencies problem. You also did not modify a single View default constructor! We can now happily use our Visual Studio .NET IDE to do WYSIWYG design and manage good OO design, plus Inversion of Control-ing our dependencies.

After-thought: Though the title of these two posts say Presentation Patterns, in my mind they are more geared towards just for Presentation Model, due to in my opinion the difference in directional references between Presentation Model and Model-View-Presenter. I mentioned briefly about this in my earlier post here.

By the way, note that now each page can have access to multiple Presentation Model objects, instead of the what-it-used-to-be 1-to-1 relationship between a page and its Presentation Model, so one can do something similar to Ruby on Rails where each View can make calls to multiple Controllers which operates on various Models to complete the desired action! This makes code-sharing between Presentation Models much easier, and also each Presentation Model can be named not after their page but by application functionality!

Applying PicoContainer.NET with Presentation Patterns - Part I

There is a couple favourite presentation-layer design patterns that I have been consistently using to build .NET applications. In particular, they are Presentation Model and Model-View-Presenter. Both are extremely handy when it comes to making the code-behind of your View more testable by delegating its responsibilities to another layer of code. From that layer, you can start chipping in various flavors of dependency injections and stubs and mocks to start going all-out unit testing assault to your code.

In many cases, on a per View basis (like a page or user control), there is a Presentation Model class, or a Presenter class, sitting behind it ready to receive a call from its corresponding View, then execute the behavior called upon.

PicoContainer.NET (Pico from here on) encourages more decoupled object-oriented class design by helping you to manage your classes' dependencies. As a quick example, suppose you have a class iPod (you know what it is, right?) and a class Battery. Obviously iPod depends on a battery. However, the iPod class at construction time creates its own Battery instance to use and cannot take any other battery types (to the dismay of iPod users). Now your iPod stopped working and you have to figure out why. If you need to test your iPod, you have to be extremely creative to figure out where the problem is related to its battery or not somehow. How do you know if the problem lies in the iPod, or its battery? This is why good code minimize dependencies. Suppose, however, your iPod receives a Battery instance through its constructor. Then in the unit tests of your iPod class, you can then mock/stub the battery out and start exclusively interrogating and verifying the behaviors of your iPod class. iPod now can be injected with a mock Battery instance, and hence your iPod class is more testable, and its tests are more "unit" and not touching other parts of your code. You can then start writing more automated unit tests that run in milliseconds easily.

The question now is who then is responsible for passing a Battery instance into iPod. That's where Pico shines. If, as mentioned, your iPod has such a constructor that takes in the Battery dependency, using Pico as a container, you register your iPod and Battery class into the container, when you ask the container for an iPod instance, the Battery instance (since it is also registered) will be instantiated automagically and you can now start using your iPod object, without having to hard-code your iPod class to instantiate its own Battery.

Because Pico is such a great tool, I have used it in various .NET projects of mine. Since Pico uses a registration scheme, whatever you put into a Pico container you get its dependency-wiring functionality for free, many things tend to be put into it. Afterall, Pico encourages good design, right? As a result, Views, Presentation Models, Presenters, etc., are all registered into Pico container. The Pico container is set up at public static void Main() time, and when you run Application.Start(form) you pass it into your form object. From there all of your Views can programmatically ask for its dependencies. Life is good.

Why are Views being put into the container? Because every View needs a delegating Presentation Model or Presenter to handle its behavior, meaning, every View "depends" on a Presentation Model or Presenter. As a result, they all get registered into Pico in order for the form to get navigate the user to the correct View.

Life is good - until stuff happens. Since constructor injection is the preferred way to inject dependencies, if your View "depends" on something, then your View would need a constructor passing in its dependencies before Pico can start wiring dependencies on your behalf. Every .NET programmer knows that, every View (regardless you use a Form or User Control) has a default parameter-less constructor that has a default line InitializeComponent(). This is because the Visual Studio .NET IDE uses this constructor to support WYSIWYG at design time. Tampering with or getting rid of this constructor and/or the InitializeComponent() method call will get your IDE trouble in supporting editing your View at design time.

A second problem that would arise is that, consider I have a User Control. It is also a View, albeit being used and instantiated by its parent View (maybe another User Control). Since this child user control instance is created by the auto-generated code from the parent Views InitializeComponent() method call, you cannot modify this child user control's default constructor to take in its "dependency" Presentation Model/Presenter, and then hope that its parent Form can somehow inject the child control's dependencies inside its InitializeComponent() method. Even if you can modify these auto-generated code, your IDE design-time support is now in jeapardy. Because of this problem, some Pico programmers would buck the constructor injection coding consistency, pass in the child user control's dependencies into the parent View's constructor, and start using setter injection to inject the child user control's dependencies, after the parent Form's InitializeComponents() method call. That way at least you can leave the child user control's default constructor alone and continue to use VS's strong IDE support, while managing your child control's dependencies.

What to do? Now comes Part II - My attempt to get the best sides of all worlds: Use Pico to manage dependencies; and have VS.NET IDE WYSIWYG support.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ruby sugar you can't find in C#

Coming as a C# programmer to learn Ruby, as I journey from a compiling language to a dynamically typed language, of course there are some concepts in Ruby that are easier (or harder) for me to grasp than others. I want to write out loud some of these interesting bits and pieces for others who are also interested in trying out Ruby.

String vs. Symbol
In Ruby a string can be single-quoted or double-quoted (eg. "foo"). A symbol is a variable name prefixed with a colon (eg. :foo). Symbols somtimes are used pretty much synonymously with strings. The reason they exist is that by using symbols, in memory they only exist as a single copy per symbol no matter how many times you refer to them in your code. String however will create a new copy of the string in memory every time you refer to them, even though they are exactly the same. This in C# is equivalent to string interning, and is the difference between using between a StringBuilder and regular string concatenation. So don't be baffled when you see them next time.

Methods vs. Messages
In Ruby, everything is an object, including a number and a string. Ruby programmers like to think that when you are calling a method on an object, you are sending a message to that object in hope of it doing something for you. One of the cool features in Ruby is that one can call methods that are not defined at programming time but define and call them at runtime. For example:

class Foo
def programming_time_method
puts "programming time method"

def define_more_methods
self.class.class_eval do
define_method(:new_born_method) { puts "i was born!" }

Now if you do:
f =
puts f.respond_to?(:new_born_method) #Does f have method by that name?
puts f.respond_to?(:new_born_method) #Does f have method by that name, now?

then you get results:

>ruby test.rb
programming time method
i was born!

One can do much more fancier stuff with Ruby too. Read on.

Class Methods vs. Static Methods
In C# most developers I worked with frowned upon static methods. They are flat-out evil. You cannot effectively mock method calls of them, and that they encourage non-OO style procedural programming. Pretty much all of the arguments that they are good for something are trumped by the hard-to-test reason. Introducing class methods in Ruby:

class Customer
def self.class_method
puts "class method getting called"

>ruby test.rb
class method getting called

At first glance they act just like static methods, you do not need an instance but just the class type and you can start making calls on them. However, they are no longer un-mockable. The unit testing framework that comes with Ruby also contains a mock framework. It can mock class methods. All of a sudden class methods, or should I say methods that associate to a class, deserves another look. In fact, Ruby on Rails uses class methods extensively for some of its magical operations. For example, if my Customer class inherits from Model, and has an id and a name in the database, I automatically get these magic methods for free - yes, free!

Customer.find_all                # returns the list of all Customer instances from database
Customer.find_by_id(2) # returns the Customer instance that contains id=2 in database
Customer.find_by_name('STEPHEN') # returns the list of all Customer instances whose name is STEPHEN

When you add a column to your table in the database, you get a free find method without coding. That's Rails.

Any message (aka method) you send (aka call) to an object, if that object does not yet have that method defined, it will go into its method_missing() method, which you can override. From that point, one can be fairly creative given the dynamic nature of what Ruby allows a programmer to do. In fact, method_missing() plays a pretty important role in constructing a DSL (Domain Specific Language).

class Customer
def method_missing(method_symbol, *args)
puts method_symbol.to_s
return self

customer =

>ruby test.rb

More Ruby sugar will follow. Stay tuned.